Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Getting The Most Out of Your Workforce – Team Building

As any manager, director or employer knows, the key to an efficient, productive team is team work. Without it, an office is doomed to waste valuable time and resources as individuals overlap each other’s work or fail to communicate important trip facts and figures. Thankfully, there are a whole host of things you can do as a manager or employer to encourage team work amongst your employees.

Improving morale in the workplace is a great way to encourage your team to work together. Make sure the workspace is well lit, tidy and is as spacious as physically possible. In addition, breaks to the daily routine maintain worker’s enthusiasm. Most importantly, however, is giving your employees genuine responsibility and making them know they are a valued part of the team.

Encouraging a little socialisation outside of the workplace can also work wonders in team building. Employee’s that know each other outside of a purely business capacity are more likely to empathise and assist one another than if they are associated purely through work. Of course, a balance needs to be maintained, but going out for drinks after work on a Friday or other such activities can really benefit a team.

Another very important aspect of maintaining a good team spirit is to be sure everyone is included in the group. It can be daunting for new employees or those who are a little shyer to break into a well established group dynamic, so look to your more senior employees to make everyone feel welcome. Sometimes, pairing new members of your team with more senior staff in a ‘buddy’ type system can really help the junior employee come on. They will not only benefit from the experience of the senior member of staff, they will also come into contact with their contacts and staff mates.

If you are really serious about boosting your team’s productivity and spirit there are specialised companies offering their expertise in team building and in the work place. Professionally trained experts run team building workshops, either during the working day or over the weekend that are aimed to get your team communicating and working together.

These events are specifically tailored to your companies needs and can focus on any number of team building aspects. The style and focus of the sessions is essentially down to you, the employer. The so called ‘soft skills’ your employees can develop from the team building workshops can go on to prove extremely valuable to your company and include of all manner of focus areas. Listening skills, negotiating, confidence and leadership are just a few examples of what a team building coach may look to develop with your employees.

At the end of the day, make sure your efforts are all genuine and don’t force social situations on people who really aren’t keen. Encourage gently and you’ll soon find people are more than willing to participate!

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