Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Size Matters When it Comes to Getting Your Marketing Right

Right now it might feel as though it’s all doom and gloom, what with the current state of the UK and worldwide economy, not to mention austerity measures biting hard into the public sector. But, it might be surprising to learn that many small to medium-sized businesses are thriving even in these difficult times.

Indeed, recent figures suggest that the number of businesses filing insolvency in the UK have fallen by 10 per cent overall from the same period last year. In fact, regions such as Yorkshire have shown a 14 per cent drop.
This goes to prove that no matter how difficult things get generating income and persuading punters to part with their cash, there are rewards for firms that are willing to put in the hard work and strive towards a clear, common goal. After all, it’s much easier to build from solid foundations.

Of course, this demonstrates perfectly the importance of small business marketing, the need of ramping up interest in your service and products and thus making sure your intended customer base knows exactly who you are and what you do.

A small business may have a smaller budget than larger companies but it is all relative and, if things are done the right way, the various marketing disciplines can create a pretty formidable weapon in growing your business.
There’s above the line and below the line marketing and advertising, encompassing all the fundamentals from promotional spots in local newspapers and magazines, to holding exhibitions and other public events, as well as mail shots and canvassing.

Add that to a diverse and focused online commitment and you have a business marketing strategy that can really make a difference. An external business marketing agency will aide your company’s development, pursuing in-depth market research and analysis, creating the ideal marketing solution.

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