Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Are You Ready to Master the Media?

If you read half of what passes for ‘journalism’ these days you could be forgiven for thinking that the ability to ‘dumb down’ is a prerequisite for a successful media career.

And I’m not only referring to the tabloid journos (the good old red tops), but all manner of what might once have been considered respectable industry magazines. You may know the ones I am referring to: those weekly glossies (mainly targeted at women) that make out they’ve got some exclusive celebrity scoop, so you get lured into buying the magazine  concerned.

When you read the piece it’s nothing like the shock headline on the cover and you discover that the incident to which they are referring happened several years back and is now ‘old hat’ repurposed to look like current content.

Your local journalists on the other hand, are desperate for great current news stories from local businesses like yours. But it isn’t enough to be able to dash off a press release and hope that the editor will see fit to publish it.  If you want to be seen as the ‘authority figure’ within your industry – the person journalists call up for some information or a quote – then you need to make sure that your key PR messages are crystal clear. Here’s where media training London can help you define and perfect your marketing messages.

You may not be aware, but there are many opportunities for businesses of all sizes to engage with the media for mutually beneficial results. The publication or radio station engages their readers with a cracking story – you – as company spokesperson, get the glory.

Frequently one successful media appearance can lead to another. How often do you see a participant on a TV quiz show you immediately recognise from another show? Now you might think that’s because the person loves TV quizzes and applies to every show going. But it’s more likely they will have been picked up by a media ‘scout’ and invited on to the second show. Perhaps because they have a winning personality and were particularly entertaining on their debut appearance.

Not everyone on TV comes across as natural. Doing screen tests consumes time and money, so why not grab someone you know is media-tried if you like, and won’t freeze up in front of the cameras. Makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?

If you’re are reading this and thinking you’d be a perfect candidate for media training London then there’s no time like the present. Finding out more about how media training could improve your skills and career prospects is easy online. Future TV quiz appearances entirely optional of course!

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