Wednesday, 9 January 2013

How Your Company Could Benefit From The Latest CAFM Software

In this increasingly hi-tech, high-pressured age of commercialism, company owners need solutions that will simplify their business processes, rather than complicate them.

All major organisations are expected to focus on cutting costs whilst maintaining the same or better standards of quality. It’s a tough ask. That’s why many of today’s savvy professionals rely on the latest technology to help their companies run more efficiently.

So if you are someone who is currently considering Computer Aided Facilities Management solutions for your business, but you are stalling on making a commitment because:

1. The software sounds like it might be unduly complicated
2. The costs could be prohibitive
     then kindly read on because I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

CAFM originated in the late 1980s, providing facilities managers with the tools and systems to plan, track, manage, and report on complex data within their organisation.

Thanks to CAFM software today’s facilities management professionals can employ real-time data to help their companies to become more productive by utilising people, buildings and systems effectively – after all, less waste equals less costs.

As a result your company will become more transparent and it will be easier to prove compliance with legislation and regulations.

Another thing, using the latest software to automate and simplify your processes will help you and your colleagues counteract stress. Did you know that stress in the workplace costs the UK £1.24 billion a year according the Health & Safety Executive (HSE)?

And although the HSE states that between 2010-2011 there were some 400,000 reported stress-related illnesses, it concedes that many employees are citing other reasons for their absenteeism, rather than the underlying reason.

As a responsible and ambitious business owner, no doubt you will want to do everything within your power to ensure you maintain a happy and healthy workforce. When people enjoy their jobs they are more likely to ‘shine’ – plus improved moral means that staff turnover rates will improve considerably too.

If you would like to find out more about the potential of computer aided facilities management software to help your business run more efficiently and effectively, improve your decision-making processes and reduce workforce stress, then your friendly helpful CAFM experts will be delighted to arrange a no-obligation consultation.

Please be assured that this software is extremely user-friendly (you’ll receive all the training you need to get you up and running) and it also provides a genuine investment for ‘go- ahead’ businesses of all sizes.

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