The proven benefits of massage therapy are now so widely accepted that it is a highly respected profession if you are dedicated enough to getting the right qualifications. There are many different varieties of massage to choose from, so those looking to get massage therapy training should decide where they might like to specialise. After all, it is always a good idea in your chosen career path to be recognised as an expert in a certain area, even if ultimately you choose to offer a broad range of treatments.
To help you decide where you’d like to focus, here are some of the popular types of massage:
Swedish: This is currently one of the most popular forms of massage therapy. It basically involves kneading and circular movements on superficial muscle layers with special lotions or oils. This is generally carried out for the purpose of relaxation and de-stressing, rather than for any pain-relieving effect.
Aromatherapy: This kind of massage involves the use of essential oils to target more specific problems. Depending on the oil used, the effect can be relaxing, energising, or stress-reducing, This treatment is more commonly associated with the alleviation of stress-related or emotional problems.
Hydrotherm: With hydrotherm massage therapy, the client lies face-up on hydrotherm water-filled cushions. This creates a relaxing sensation, almost one of ‘floating’. Because of the movement and displacement of the water, the therapist is able to use the natural weight of the body to apply as much or little pressure as is required. The warm water soothes aching muscles and joints.
Shiatsu: This really can make a difference to those suffering from stress or muscle pain. It uses localised finger pressure on specific acupuncture points, with each point being held for several seconds to enhance energy flow and restore balance to the body. The pressure is firm, yet most clients find it a calming and relaxing experience.
Sports Massage: As its name indicates, this kind of massage is for people who regularly take part in physical activity. The focus here isn’t on reducing stress but on preventing or treating injuries and muscle strain resulting from exercise. The technique is designed to help loosen muscles and improve flexibility, and requires some specific massage therapy training.
Pregnancy Massage: Pregnancy massage therapists are trained in how to position and support a pregnant woman’s body during treatment, and how to alter the technique depending on how advanced the pregnancy is. The role of this is to reduce stress, relieve any aches and pains or even reduce anxiety and depression. Many feel, in fact, that if a woman has a regular massage both before and after the birth she is less likely to suffer from post-natal depression.
Deep Tissue: This targets deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue than is generally reached with therapies such as Swedish massage. It uses friction techniques across the grain of the muscle and is generally used for very tight or sore muscles, problems such as repetitive strain injury or postural issues.
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