Thursday, 20 December 2012

How To Improve Your Public Speaking Skills

If you have a fear of public speaking, you are certainly not alone. The idea of standing up in front of crowds of people who will be listening only to your voice; the worry that you might lose the thread of your thoughts; the dreaded possibility of having to ad lib – these are all pretty common. Not everybody is a naturally gifted orator – indeed few of us are. But this doesn’t mean you can’t learn. If you have been called upon to give a speech or a presentation and the thought of it is sending cold chills through your heart, it’s time to take control.

What follows are some very effective methods through which even the most retiring wallflower can become a more effective public speaker:

Find Examples:
If there are any people you particularly admire for their public speaking skills, spend some time watching clips of them. What is it you particularly like about their style? What do you think they are doing to put their listeners at ease? Bear in mind that a lot of these people probably didn’t start off being excellent speakers: many will have had to learn this skill, the same as you are.

Take An Acting Class: A large part of effective public speaking is about being confident and comfortable in your own skin. Taking an acting class or joining an amateur dramatics group is a great way to do this and it can also be a lot of fun. Learning acting techniques will help you understand how body language is used to get a point across or convey a certain impression.

Learn About Delivery: There are a lot of techniques at work in a successful speech or presentation. You will need to learn about different kinds of intonation, how to engage with your audience and how to get them to relax early on. These things can take time to master, so it’s probably worth getting public speaking training at this point to help you hone your skills.

Speak Slowly And Clearly: It sounds obvious, but a lot of people tend to mumble or talk too quickly when they are nervous. You’ve probably noticed yourself doing it conversation on occasion, so imagine how difficult it will be for a roomful of people to follow what you are saying if you do this. Take a deep breath, slow down and get someone to listen to you when you feel ready. Or alternatively, you could record your speech and play it back to yourself to see where improvements could be made. This is another area in which public speaking training may be helpful.

Learn To Relax: Many nervous speakers will use some relaxation techniques before they go on stage and it can really make a difference. Whether it’s meditating, listening to some calming music or going for a walk around the block to clear you head, find a method that works for you and use it. Also, remember to always have some water to hand: this will allow you to pause and collect your thoughts if you find yourself running off course, and will also stop your throat from getting too dry.

Not everyone is naturally gifted at public speaking – in fact many of us are terrified at the very thought of it. But the good news is that with some training and confidence building exercises we can all improve our skills in this area. If you live in Essex then searching on line for ‘Public Speaking Training Essex’ will help you to find someone.

How To Fill Your Opt-in Lists With Quality Leads

Let’s say your business runs 3 different opt-in lists linked to an autoresponder and each of those lists has 2,000 sign-ups. That’s 6,000 unique sign-ups . . . or is it?

Well it might be. But it probably isn’t. Do you actually know?

You would know this figure for certain if your business employed data cleansing software.
Because most companies split-test their offerings and promotions via different ‘squeeze pages’, as a visitor to various websites it’s all too easy to find yourself subscribing to a list you are already on, or a version of it.

Often this will be detected by the system when you enter your email address and you will be asked to provide an alternative email. But occasionally you won’t realise you are already signed up to a particular list until you come to download the ‘freebie’ – a White Paper, infographic, podcast, or similar.

And sometimes not even then. If for example the giveaway is an ebook you read some time ago and have since deleted from your computer.

The only clue may be when you find yourself receiving several emails a day from the marketing company or individual concerned. That relentless contact over the course of a couple of weeks could seem like overkill to you, so you decide to remove yourself from the list(s).

As the owner or CEO of a company, a red flag indicating that there is something not right with your data could be if you are getting lots of people unsubscribing from your lists. One of the primary reasons for people cancelling their email subscriptions is receiving too many emails – or too many irrelevant emails from the same company. No-one likes to be spammed, particularly if the content in your emails is repeated frequently.

The key thing is, when it is done properly permission-based email marketing can work really well. Having effective systems in place is an absolute must – particularly your database. Your database is a lead generation machine – a potential goldmine where great relationships can be built upon that will drive the ongoing success of your business.

That’s why data cleaning software is a great investment for every business that is serious about its growth. Keeping on top of your data is the only way to stay competitive in an increasing tough financial climate.

Knowing that your systems contain only the most accurate, up to date and relevant information will empower you to make confident and prudent decisions that will benefit your business now . . . and in the future.

The UK Loses £85 Billion To Fraud Each Year – Is Your Business At Risk?

As a business owner or entrepreneur how do you view fraud?

 - As an inevitable part of modern life?

 - Something which you can do little about?

 - An inconvenience that only affects the ‘Big Boys’, not businesses like yours?

A report conducted by UK accountants PKF, “The Financial Cost of Fraud 2011” was the most comprehensive global study of its kind ever completed. Researchers discovered that across the private and public sector, 6.1% of expenditure is lost to fraud through activities such as healthcare, insurance, payroll, procurement and social security every year.

The report’s authors concluded (somewhat predictably) that businesses are exposed to a higher level of fraud during an economic downturn – fraudulent losses increased by around 33% during the last recession. They also recommended that taking a proactive approach to counteracting fraud as being the only practical way forward. In case you weren’t aware, data profiling software is a major ally in the war on fraud.

Jim Gee, the report’s co-author and Chair of the Centre of Counter Fraud Studies at University of Portsmouth, stated: “Given the challenging business environment, with the possibility of a double dip recession, organisations are advised to review and strengthen their protection against fraud. A small investment in better protection might prove to be particularly good value in the long run.”

It is clear from the evidence assembled for the report, that far too many companies are doing virtually nothing and certainly nowhere near enough to minimise the opportunities for fraudulent activities within their organisations. Either that, or they are denying that their businesses have been affected by fraud.

The first step to preventing fraud is to identify where there are weaknesses in your systems and then employ the latest technology software to counteract threats.

According to Jim Gee, “Fraud is now one of the great unreduced business costs.” Strange really, when so much of business is focussed upon becoming leaner, more productive, more competitive, yet something as potentially disruptive and destructive as fraud seems to creep under the radar. Perhaps it because fraud as a whole is seen as being too hard to cope with  – too overwhelming.

But it is only by adopting a strong anti-fraud stance now and by taking proactive steps to counteract the weaknesses in our operating systems which give rise to fraud in the first place, that we will begin to turn our fortunes around. Data profiling software could help your organisation reduce the opportunities for fraud to impact on your business.

Friday, 14 December 2012

New Tax Law Packages Developed To Grow IP Revenue

Around the world governments are competing to bring in businesses - both large and small - which will carry out research and development on their shores.

Firms which arrive to carry out this kind of activity usually bring with them significant amounts of inward investment. This work has many spin-off benefits, such as employment, adding to the tax base, infrastructure creation of partnerships across different sectors, such as industry and education.
Globally, research and development (R&D) spending has increased in recent years. Nations are creating or expanding taxation incentives to lift the profile of this in business and industry.

Furthermore, they are passing legislation which creates financial benefits to push forward the commercialization of this kind of activity. These laws, when drawn together, are often called patent boxes. So if you have ever asked the question “What is patent box (PB)?” Then this article will attempt to answer that question and other related issues.

PBs are concerned with intellectual property (IP). They allow income related to these endeavours much greater relief than is normally given. In other words, companies involved many different kinds of development work which also includes exploration, have given a good incentive to push forward and crucially make their efforts financially beneficial to the economy as a whole.

To date a number of countries have introduced this style of legislation. They include Belgium, China, France, Hungary, the Netherlands and Spain. The UK will have a PB scheme in place by 2013. Meanwhile, the US is in the process of introducing a similar regime.

It is anticipated that the U.K.'s version of this kind of tariff relief will be that one of the most competitive implemented when looked at from a commercial viewpoint. This is because the tax rates will be lower and also because the laws do not insist that the activities or costs must be incurred within the UK, or that the IP be retained within this nation.

In comparison, China insists that work and casts take place in that country. In setting out to respond to what is patent box, other countries have created similar statutes that have a mix of features. They have attempted to try and find a balance for the organisation and the state as a whole. Currently Hungary is probably on par with England in terms of competitive legislation, as it too does not insist that activities, costs or IP be retained there, although its relief rate is not as high as Britain's.

Some analysts have raised questions about these steps forward. The first main observation when countries introduce laws that emulate existing arrangements is that these are new products and so there is no obvious evidence about their effectiveness.

In some instances it has been pointed out that the concept itself is not enough of an incentive to bring businesses into a given place to carry out research.

Designing this kind of setup can be very complex, especially when some key things have to be taken into account, such as what types of products and services can be included for the special toll. Next, if a business can use the product, this in itself creates a whole new set of administration and compliance concerns which can take up a lot of time and resources to process.

Finally, the competitiveness around the globe to legalise these processes means that there could come a time when anticipated increase in economic activity does not transpire. As well, another potential negative is that the hoped-for revenue from this type of income will be so low it will not provide any real benefit.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

What Types Of Massage Are There?

The proven benefits of massage therapy are now so widely accepted that it is a highly respected profession if you are dedicated enough to getting the right qualifications. There are many different varieties of massage to choose from, so those looking to get massage therapy training should decide where they might like to specialise. After all, it is always a good idea in your chosen career path to be recognised as an expert in a certain area, even if ultimately you choose to offer a broad range of treatments.

To help you decide where you’d like to focus, here are some of the popular types of massage:

Swedish: This is currently one of the most popular forms of massage therapy. It basically involves kneading and circular movements on superficial muscle layers with special lotions or oils. This is generally carried out for the purpose of relaxation and de-stressing, rather than for any pain-relieving effect.

Aromatherapy: This kind of massage involves the use of essential oils to target more specific problems. Depending on the oil used, the effect can be relaxing, energising, or stress-reducing, This treatment is more commonly associated with the alleviation of stress-related or emotional problems.

Hydrotherm: With hydrotherm massage therapy, the client lies face-up on hydrotherm water-filled cushions. This creates a relaxing sensation, almost one of ‘floating’. Because of the movement and displacement of the water, the therapist is able to use the natural weight of the body to apply as much or little pressure as is required. The warm water soothes aching muscles and joints.

Shiatsu: This really can make a difference to those suffering from stress or muscle pain. It uses localised finger pressure on specific acupuncture points, with each point being held for several seconds to enhance energy flow and restore balance to the body. The pressure is firm, yet most clients find it a calming and relaxing experience.

Sports Massage: As its name indicates, this kind of massage is for people who regularly take part in physical activity. The focus here isn’t on reducing stress but on preventing or treating injuries and muscle strain resulting from exercise. The technique is designed to help loosen muscles and improve flexibility, and requires some specific massage therapy training.

Pregnancy Massage: Pregnancy massage therapists are trained in how to position and support a pregnant woman’s body during treatment, and how to alter the technique depending on how advanced the pregnancy is. The role of this is to reduce stress, relieve any aches and pains or even reduce anxiety and depression. Many feel, in fact, that if a woman has a regular massage both before and after the birth she is less likely to suffer from post-natal depression.

Deep Tissue: This targets deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue than is generally reached with therapies such as Swedish massage. It uses friction techniques across the grain of the muscle and is generally used for very tight or sore muscles, problems such as repetitive strain injury or postural issues.

How to take care of your hair in cold or hot weather conditions

Do you live in a place that has contrasting climates or intense heat or extreme cold? If so, taking care or your hair can be a challenge. These simple steps will make that daunting task a bit easier.

Summer brings heat and humidity, while winter brings cold but dry heat indoors. All these conditions take it out on our tresses and it takes extra special efforts to keep it in good condition. Everyone – men and women – wants their hair to look great wherever they are. Follow these guidelines and you’ll look good in the most challenging conditions.

Intense sun
Most of us know that worshiping the sun and getting a deep tan is not healthy. We need to find a balance to ensure we get the right amount of sun exposure to produce vitamin D, but not get burned or damage our skin. It’s the same when it comes to hair. Too much sun will damage and dry it. All the work you have done to condition it to that point will be lost. When you go into the hot sun, wear a scarf or hat for protection, and use a sun protector product too. If you can, try not to add additional heat to with dryers, irons and curlers. For most women this isn’t an option so use a heat protector before styling your locks. If your mop has been damaged, use a sun repair mask or intense conditioners to restore it to health.

Humid conditions
Humidity produces excessive moisture and hair will absorb that moisture. The way it responds will depend on its type. If it is wavy it will be prone to fizziness, while fine strands will become limp. One of the best ways of fighting back is by getting the right cut. Layering and texturing – both of which reduce weight – are a big help. Avoid daily washing but when you do be sure to use a good conditioner. Keep excessive heat to a minimum and don’t be afraid of using good quality oils as conditioners.

Extreme cold
Intense cold can be one of the most difficult climates for your coiffure. It can bring about dandruff, split ends, fly-away bits, and an overall dryness that means it’s hard to manage and look good. Even with a good cut, these challenges are ever-present in a cold climate. Winter months mean it is time to change your routine in order to maintain your great look. Step number one is to look at your conditioning routine and increase the number of times you are adding an intense moisture mask. Two or three times a week should be the minimum in winter and be sure to choose a mask that works for your hair. Seek out a scalp treatment masks too in order to avoid dry skin in that area. Regular trims are essential in order to reduce the risk of split ends. As with hot sun, try to keep the use of heat via dryers and irons to a minimum and always use a heat protector beforehand.

Perms or bleaches
Perms or bleaches require special attention. If you have used these and believe your mop is too dry or in fact damaged the best way forward is to purchase an intense conditioner. Even home remedies can do the job. Jojoba oil and olive oil left on for up to 30 minutes will replenish moisture loss. If serious brittleness and breakage are problems, then it is best left to a professional to treat hair with care and restore moisture and condition.

Human hair extensions
If you have these attached, they need the same kind of special care you give your natural tresses. If you follow the steps above human hair extensions will last anywhere from two months to a year, depending on the kind you have chosen. With this product, it is especially important to avoid dryness. High quality, non-damaging treatments are essential. Although you can dye them, go swimming and style as if they were your own, they will last longer if these activities are kept to a minimum.

How To Safely Move A Grandfather Clock

When you’re moving house you are bound to have some precious items which require special attention. If you own a grandfather clock you will know that they are notoriously easy to damage. Because of this, you need to take every step possible to avoid this happening – particularly if it is very valuable or a family heirloom. 

This involves preparing it carefully before the move and maybe even hiring a local removal company – eg. if you live in Perth then look for Perth furniture removalists.
 Here is what to do:

Use Masking Tape: It’s best to take the component parts of your grandfather clock out before the move. This way there is less chance of them becoming dislodged in transit and causing damage. If you take off the hood part to expose the dial you can then secure some masking tape over the ‘gut line’ – the part around the strike and the gong barrels. This will keep everything in place, making it easier to remove the other parts.

Remove Weights: The weights can do a lot of damage to the clock itself if they are left inside it, so it’s very important that you take these out. It’s a good idea to label each one so you know exactly where they go when it comes to putting the clock back together again. Each weight is different so if they are not put back correctly the intricate mechanism of the clock will not function properly.

Take Off Pendulum: You have to remove this part very slowly and carefully so as not to damage the delicate suspension string attached to the top of the pendulum. These are threaded through the crutch at the back of the movement and can be difficult to replace.

Movement And Dial Clock: The final stage of disassembling your grandfather clock is to lift the movement and the dial from the case and place it in a secure packing case. It is best to pack it upright as this will prevent damage to the front of the dial and the clock hands. It will also keep the crutch at the back safe from damage caused by movement during transit. 

Hire Removals Firm: Now that you have dismantled your clock, the main case and components can be moved. If you do live in the Perth area, find a company of furniture removalists Perth who have a lot of experience in moving grandfather clocks and understand their delicate nature. It’s better to get professionals in the local area to do the job for you as they will have the right specialist moving equipment and packing materials to keep your grandfather clock safe.

Unusual Christmas Gift Ideas For Men

Do you find yourself buying the same tired old Christmas presents for your husband or boyfriend year after year? As most of us know, it can be hard trying to think of original presents, particularly if you have lots of other people to buy for as well. Jumpers, socks or DVDs are all very well but sometimes it’s nice to find something a bit different. If you’re finding it hard to get inspiration, here are some more unusual Christmas present ideas for men to consider:

Experience Day: if your other half has always fancied a day out driving a Ferrari round a race track, or learning to fly a plane, why not choose this for a Christmas present? As a one-off experience it will certainly give them a day out to remember – plus you will have fewer potentially unwanted gifts taking up space in your house when the festive season is over.

Scottish Titles: Does the man in your life have some Scottish ancestry teamed with a few delusions of grandeur? If so, buying them a souvenir plot of land in an area such as Loch Ness may be just what they’ve always wanted but never knew they did. These little plots of land will come with courtesy Scottish titles, such as ‘Laird’, and a certificate to confirm their ownership of the land. It will look good on the wall and certainly provide an interesting talking point.

Personalised Bottle Of Wine: if you’re working to a lower budget, bottles of wine with your other half’s name on them and a personal message make a great gift. You can go for a cheaper bottle of plonk or splash out a little more if you want to. If you want to add to the gift you could even opt for a personalised wine stopper to go with it.

Personalised Football Archive Book: Is your boyfriend fanatical about their football team? If so, consider getting them the perfect piece of memorabilia: an archive album of their team listing all the key moments from its history with pictures and collections of original newspaper articles. If you shop around online you will find plenty of websites selling this kind of gift.

Onesie: If you really want to go cheap and cheerful and help your other half stay warm throughout the winter, then bear in mind that adult onesies are proving a huge hit this year. They may have the appearance of extremely oversized romper suits but they are guaranteed to keep the wearer cosy, and you can find novelty versions as well for added comedy value.