Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Luxury Florists In London . . . For When Only The Very Best Will Do

There are many luxury florists in London, as you might expect in a city renowned for its sense of style and contemporary chic. Luxury flowers provide a sense of excitement and drama to any setting and bespoke flower arrangements are currently all the rage for brightening up a home or office.

So you’ve chosen your luxury flower arrangement or bouquet and it arrives looking absolutely stunning as you would expect.

To keep it looking in tip-top condition for as long as possible, here’s what you need to do:

Add fresh water. Fresh water will promote a longer life for your flower display, so keep your vase, liner, or container topped up at all times. If the flowers arrived in their own container it will already have had ‘flower food’ added to it. Every couple of days you will need to change the water completely. At this time, you should also clean the container thoroughly and add fresh flower food. Commercial flower food is essential for nourishing your flowers, keeping bacteria at bay and encouraging buds to open, thus lengthening the life of your flowers.

After several days, take out the flowers and trim 1” from the bottom of each stem. Cut the stem at an angle to promote easy water-absorption. Do not pierce or smash the stems as this will destroy the water vessels in the stem and prevent them taking in water. Remove any damaged blooms, spent foliage, or other water debris which can cause bacteria growth.
The easiest way to remove your flowers from their vase or container without disturbing the shape of the arrangement, is to tie some garden twine around the bouquet just above the neck of the vase. You will then be able to gently remove the bouquet from the water in one go.

Clean the vase or container and refill it will fresh room-temperature water and flower food as directed by the florist’s instructions.
Most flowers are best displayed out of direct sunlight, away from radiators, heating or cooling vents, or directly underneath ceiling fans, any of which can cause premature wilting. Generally they thrive in temperatures between 65 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit (18-22 degrees Celsius).

Also avoid positioning your luxury flowers near ripening fruit. Many people don’t realise that ripening fruit emits ethylene gas, albeit in tiny amounts, but which can nevertheless cause your flowers to age prematurely.

Luxury flowers are perfect for when you want to make any occasion truly special. Or simply to add a touch of glamour to everyday life. With a little care and attention, your luxury flower arrangement will last far longer than you might expect, providing days of added beauty and pleasure.

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